Bunker Hill

Bunker Hill Monument

Following in the immediate aftermath of Lexington and Concord, the misnamed Battle of Bunker Hill proved that, despite their unprofessional nature, the American colonists could go toe to toe with the regulars of the British Army. The British could only dislodge the Patriots from their fortified position after three separate assaults, over the course of which they took over 1,000 casualties, including a good number of officers. The ultimately ended in defeat for the Americans, but the degree to which they bloodied the British made the effort at retaking the city of Boston that much easier. Today, the city of Boston has swallowed up most of the battlefield, but the famous monument, a 221-foot obelisk and a statue of Patriot commander William Prescott, remains.

Bunker Hill: What's Nearby

Charlestown, MA
Rev War  |  Museum
Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum
Boston, MA


The American Battlefield Trust and our members would like to save land at Bunker Hill.

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Related Battles

Massachusetts | June 17, 1775
Result: British Victory
Estimated Casualties